Hygiene and Biosafety

We offer proven and effective hygiene solutions for the livestock industry, ensuring an excellent cost-efficiency ratio.

Hygiene and Biosafety


DM Chlor is a chlorinated alkaline disinfectant for CIP systems, tanks, milking equipment in the agro-food industry and milk farms.

DM Chlor is a bactericide.

Use TP3 (Bactericidal disinfectant for milking equipment).


According to standard (EU) 528/2012:

365g/L sodium hypochlorite (45.6g/L active chlorine) (CAS no.: 7681-52-9).

Concentrated hydro-soluble solution.

ACM No. 019/00/09NBVPT
Use biocidal products with care. Always read the label and product information before using it.
Product suitable for:
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